Survey: How should Wales be run? | Arolwg: Sut dylai Cymru gael ei rhedeg?

Published: Wed, 06/15/22

Annwyl gydweithiwr

Mae ymchwiliad ar waith ar hyn o bryd ynghylch dyfodol cyfansoddiadol Cymru.
Mae’r Comisiwn Annibynnol ar Ddyfodol Cyfansoddiadol Cymru yn cynnal ‘sgwrs genedlaethol’ ynglŷn â sut gallai Cymru gael ei rhedeg yn y dyfodol. Maen nhw’n edrych ar bwy sy’n gwneud y penderfyniadau gwleidyddol sy’n effeithio ar bobl yng Nghymru; sut mae’r penderfyniadau hyn yn cael eu gwneud; a pha agweddau ar fywyd ddylai Cymru allu gosod ei rheolau ei hun a gwneud ei phenderfyniadau ei hun yn eu cylch. Bydd canfyddiadau’r Comisiwn yn llywio’r argymhellion yn eu hadroddiad terfynol.
Mae CGGC yn bwriadu ymateb i’r ymchwiliad hwn. Hoffem glywed gan gymaint â phosibl o leisiau’r sector gwirfoddol ar gyfer ein cyflwyniad ac rydyn ni wedi llunio arolwg byr.
Byddem yn gwerthfawrogi eich barn ar y cwestiynau canlynol: Rydyn ni’n hapus i glywed safbwyntiau ar beth bynnag y credwch chi sy’n berthnasol i’r tri chwestiwn hyn. Mae croeso i chi ysgrifennu cymaint neu gyn lleied ag y dymunwch.
Bydd yr arolwg hwn yn cau ar 7 Gorffennaf 2022. Gallwch chi ei gwblhau yma. Cysylltwch â David Cook, Swyddog Polisi CGGC, ar gydag unrhyw gwestiynau.

Dear colleague

An inquiry is currently under way about the constitutional future of Wales.
The Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales is undertaking a ‘national conversation’ about how Wales could be run in future. They are looking at who takes the political decisions affecting people in Wales; how these decisions are taken; and which aspects of life should Wales be able to set its own rules and make its own decisions about. The Commission’s findings will inform the recommendations in their final report.
WCVA intends to respond to this inquiry. We would like to hear from as many voluntary sector voices as possible for our submission and have created a short survey.
We would appreciate your views on the following questions:  We are happy to hear views on whatever you feel relevant to these three questions. Feel free to write as much or as little as you like.
This survey will close on 7 July 2022. You can take it here. Contact David Cook, WCVA Policy Officer, on with any questions.