Published: Fri, 06/24/22

Mae’r corff gwarchod iechyd i Ogledd Cymru – Cyngor Iechyd Cymuned Gogledd Cymru (CICGC) – eisiau clywed gan bobl am eu profiadau o’r Gwasanaethau Iechyd yn ystod y menopos.

Bydd CICGC yn cynnal cyfres o ddigwyddiadau ar draws y rhanbarth gan wahodd cleifion, eu gofalwyr a’u teuluoedd i siarad am holl agweddau y Gwasanaethau Iechyd yng Ngogledd Cymru sy’n effeithio ar bobl sy’n mynd drwy gyfnod y menopos.

Dywedodd Mr Geoff Ryall-Harvey, Prif Swyddog CICGC “Mae hwn yn gyfle i bobl gael dweud eu dweud.  Rydym yn gwybod yn ystod y cyfnod cyn (perimenpos) ac yn ystod y menopos, y bydd llawer angen cael mynediad i ystod eang o wahanol wasanaethau iechyd ac mae profiadau pobl yn amrywio yn arw.  Mae’n hanfodol ein bod yn gallu cyflwyno’r adborth a gawn i’r rhai sy’n gwneud penderfyniadau a pholisïau am wasanaethau iechyd yng Ngogledd Cymru”.

Aeth Mr Ryall-Harvey ymlaen i ddweud “Rydym eisiau clywed gan gymaint â phosib.  Cynhelir ein digwyddiadau ar draws y rhanbarth a byddant wedi eu llunio o amgylch sawl agwedd o’r gwasanaethau iechyd fel canmoliaeth, pryderon a chwynion, cynllunio gofal, darpariaeth gofal a chyfathrebu. Rydym yn deall y bydd pobl mewn rhai amgylchiadau yn dymuno rhannu eu profiadau mewn ffordd mwy cyfrinachol a byddwn yn sicrhau bod cyfle i gynnal trafodaethau o’r fath yn breifat.  Byddwn yn darparu cyfle i bobl gwrdd wyneb yn wyneb neu’n rhithiol drwy ddefnyddio offer fideo gynadledda, os ydynt yn dymuno.  Byddwn yn trefnu rhagor o ddigwyddiadau maes o law.’’

Y digwyddiadau sydd wedi eu trefnu yw
Dyddiad Amser Lleoliad
Dydd Llun,
27 Mehefin
10.00 – 12.00 Cyfarfod Zoom
Dydd Llun,
04 Gorffennaf
09.00 – 13.00 Prif Neuadd,
Neuadd y Penrhyn,
Ffordd Gwynedd,
LL57 1DT
Dydd Iau,
07 Gorffennaf

09.00 – 12.00 Prif Neuadd,
Canolfan Gymunedol Gwelfor,
Ffordd Tudur, Morawelon
LL65 2DH
Dydd Mercher,
20 Gorffennaf
13.00 – 15.00 Cyfarfod Zoom
Dydd Llun,
26 Medi
09.00 – 13.00 Neuadd Ymgynnull,
Neuadd y Dref Llandudno
Stryd Lloyd, Llandudno LL30 2UP
Dydd Mawrth,
27 Medi
10.00 – 12.00 Cyfarfod Zoom
Dydd Llun,
03 Hydref
09.00 – 13.00 Gofod Perfformio,
Tŷ Pawb
Stryt y Farchnad, Wrecsam
LL13 8BB
Dydd Mercher,
12 Hydref
09.00 – 13.00 Adeilad y Cei
Ffordd y Fron,
Cei Connah, Sir y Fflint CH5 4PJ
Dydd Llun,
17 Hydref
13.00 – 15.00 Cyfarfod Zoom
Dydd Mawrth,
15 Tachwedd
11.30 – 15.00 Neuadd y Dref Dinbych

Os ydych yn dymuno mynychu’r digwyddiadau bydd angen i chi gofrestru ymlaenllaw drwy gysylltu â Chyngor Iechyd Cymuned Gogledd Cymru ar y rhif ffôn: 01248 679284 (DS mae system ffôn ateb yn weithredol – gadewch neges a bydd aelod o’r tîm yn dod i gysylltiad â chi) neu drwy ebost yourvoice@wales.nhs.uk

Mae modd i chi hefyd gofrestru eich presenoldeb drwy lenwi Ffurflen Gofrestru ar-lein gan ddilyn y ddolen isod:

DS Bydd y cofrestru ar sail y cyntaf i’r felin ond byddwn yn cynnal sesiynau ychwanegol fel bo’r angen

Nodiadau i olygyddion

  1. Mudiad annibynnol statudol yw Cyngor Iechyd Cymuned Gogledd Cymru (CIC) sy’n cynrychioli buddiannau cleifion a’r cyhoedd yn y Gwasanaeth Iechyd Gwladol yng Ngogledd Cymru.  Daeth i fod ar 1 Ebrill 2010 fel rhan o ad-drefnu gwasanaethau iechyd yng Nghymru gan wasanaeth Conwy, Sir Ddinbych, Sir y Fflint, Gwynedd. Wrecsam ac Ynys Môn. Mae poblogaeth gyfun y chwe sir oddeutu 675,500. 
  2. Mae gan y Cyngor Iechyd Cymuned chwe pwyllgor lleol, un bob un ar gyfer y chwe sir.  Mae pob pwyllgor lleol yn cynnwys aelodau a ddaw o dair ffynhonnell: cynghorwyr enwebwyd gan yr awdurdod lleol perthnasol, pobl enwebwyd gan fudiadau o’r sector gwirfoddol lleol a phobl leol a benodwyd gan Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru.

The health services watchdog for North Wales – the North Wales Community Health Council (NWCHC) - wants to hear from people about their experiences of Health Services during menopause.

The NWCHC will be hosting a series of events across the region inviting patients, their carers and their families to talk about all aspects of Health Services in North Wales affecting people whilst going through the menopause.

Mr Geoff Ryall-Harvey, Chief Officer for NWCHC said “This is an opportunity for people to have their say. We know that in the build up to (perimenopause) and during the menopause, many may need to access a whole range of different health services and their experiences might vary considerably. It is vital that we are able to present the feedback we receive to those who make decisions and policies about health services in North Wales’’.

Mr Ryall-Harvey went on to say “We want to hear from as many as possible. Our events will be held across the region and will be structured around a number of aspects about health services such as compliments, concerns and complaints, care planning, care provision and communication.  We understand that in some instances, people might wish to share their experiences in a more confidential way and we will ensure that there is an opportunity for such discussions to take place privately. We will be providing people with the opportunity to meet either in person, or remotely over video-conference if they so wish. Further events will be arranged in due course.’’

The events will scheduled are

Date Time Venue
27 June
10.00 – 12.00 Zoom meeting
04 July
09.00 – 13.00 Main Hall,
Penrhyn Hall,
Ffordd Gwynedd,
LL57 1DT
07 July

09.00 – 12.00 Main Hall
Gwelfor Community Centre,
Ffordd Tudur, Morawelon
LL65 2DH
20 July
13.00 – 15.00 Zoom meeting
26 September
09.00 – 13.00 Assembly Hall
Llandudno Town Hall
Lloyd Street, Llandudno LL30 2UP
27 September
10.00 – 12.00 Zoom meeting
03 October
09.00 – 13.00 Performance Space
Ty Pawb
Market Street, Wrexham
LL13 8BB
12 October
09.00 – 13.00 Quay Building
Fron Road,
Connah’s Quay, Flintshire CH5 4PJ
17 October
13.00 – 15.00 Zoom meeting
15 November
11.30 – 15.00 Denbigh Town Hall

Those wishing to attend will need to register in advance by  contacting the North Wales Community Health Council on tel: 01248 679284 (nb there is an answerphone system in operation – please leave a message and a member of our team will be in touch) or by e-mail yourvoice@wales.nhs.uk

You can also register your attendance by filling in an on-line registration Form by using the following link:

NB Registration is on a first come, first served basis but we will put on additional sessions as necessary

Note for editors

  1. North Wales Community Health Council (CHC) is an independent statutory organization which represents the interests of patients and the public in the National Health Service in North Wales.  It came into being on 1 April 2010 as part of the reorganization of health services in Wales and covers the counties of ConwyDenbighshire, FlintshireGwynedd Wrexham and Ynys Môn .  The six counties have a combined population of around 675,500. 
  2. The Community Health Council has six local committees, one covering each of the six counties.  Each local committee comprises members drawn from three sources: councillors nominated by the relevant local authority, people nominated by the local voluntary sector organizations and local people appointed by Welsh Assembly Government.
