Meet the Funder - Yapp Foundation - 19th May

Published: Fri, 05/06/22

Dear all

Here are details of Meet the Funder session with the Yapp Foundation on Thursday 19th May at 11am, which I’d be grateful if you could promote please.
Attached are flyers and below is their own description of what they fund/ articles that can be used for promotion alongside the posters

Ymddiriedolaeth Elusennol Yapp
Mae Ymddiriedolaeth Elusennol Yapp yn cynnig grantiau tuag at gostau cynnal (gan gynnwys cyflogau) i gynorthwyo elusennau bach i barhau i gyflawni eu gwaith cyfredol. Mae grantiau hyd at £9,000 (uchafswm o £3,000 y flwyddyn dros gyfnod o 3 blynedd) ar gael. Cymhwysedd allweddol:
·      Elusennau cofrestredig yn unig (mae Cwmnïau Buddiant Cymunedol wedi’u heithrio) gyda gwariant blynyddol sy’n is na £40mil
·      Costau cynnal yn unig. Nid ydy ceisiadau grant am brosiectau newydd, cynlluniau ehangu / datblygu a gwariant cyfalaf yn gymwys.
·      Mae’n rhaid bod yr ymgeiswyr  wedi bod yn gweithredu’n ffurfiol (gyda dogfen llywodraethu a phwyllgor rheoli) am o leiaf 3 blynedd
·      Bydd y grantiau ond yn ariannu gwaith sy’n canolbwyntio ar un o’r 5 maes blaenoriaeth: Yr Henoed, Pobl Ifanc, Anableddau, Lles Cymdeithasol neu Addysg.
I wybod mwy am y blaenoriaethau ariannu, yr eithriadau a’r manylion ynghylch sut i ymgeisio, ewch i I drafod cymhwysedd cyn cyflwyno cais, cysylltwch gyda Joanne Anderson, Ysgrifenyddes yr Ymddiriedolaeth (0191 3893300 –"
The Yapp Charitable Trust
The Yapp Charitable Trust makes grants for running costs (including salaries) to help small charities sustain their existing work. Grants of up to £9,000 (maximum £3,000 per year over 3 years) are available. Key eligibility: For further information on funding priorities, exclusions and details of how to apply, visit To discuss eligibility prior to submitting an application, contact Joanne Anderson, Trust Secretary (0191 3893300 –

The Flintshire Local Voluntary Council would be very grateful if you could complete the following short survey (5 questions) regarding the Funding Advice support you’ve received, to help us to monitor and improve our services:

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From: <>
Sent: 30 March 2022 14:34
Subject: Applications from Wales

The Yapp Charitable Trust makes grants for running costs to small registered charities. We are keen to attract more applications from Wales and would be grateful if you could help  promote Yapp to your member groups via grants e-bulletins, newsletters, social media posts, funding advice sessions etc.
Our eligibility criteria is somewhat unique. We only fund registered charities spending less than £40,000 per year working in our priority areas (Disability, Elderly, Education, Social Welfare and Youth). All of our funding is given towards core costs (including salaries, rent, volunteer expenses, utilities etc) to maintain existing services. We do not fund capital purchases nor do we support the development of new projects or services. Grants of up to £9,000 are available (£3,000 per year for up to 3 years). Full details of what we do and do not fund are available on our website.
We are delighted that Sheona Evans has recently joined us as a Trustee. She has 20 years’ experience working with a diverse range of clients in the third and non-profit sectors, mainly across Wales and is keen to support Welsh charities in submitting eligible applications. As such, if you have plans to hold any Meet the Funders events (whether in person or virtual), myself and/or Sheona would very much appreciate an invitation to be involved.
We would also welcome your opinion on how we can improve access to our funding for trustees, staff, volunteers and beneficiaries of charities that don’t use English as their first language. For example, would a Welsh version of our guidelines and application form remove barriers for many of the charities that you work with?
If you have a standard template/layout for listings in grants e-bulletins or newsletters then please advise and we will tailor the summary of our grants accordingly.
Should you wish to discuss our funding priorities, exclusions or application process further then please do not hesitate to get in touch.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Joanne Anderson                            
Trust Secretary                                
Yapp logo small
t: 0191 3893300
Registered charity no: 1076803