Cydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant / Equality, diversity and inclusion

Published: Thu, 05/19/22

The Statistician for Society scheme (S4S) is run by the Royal Statistical Society. S4S is a pro bono scheme that connects professional statisticians and charitable organisations. It is an effective way for eligible organisations to receive support from statistical experts at no cost. The scheme has helped >100 originations across the UK since 2017 and we have >700 statisticians in the scheme who are all fellows of Royal Statistical Society. 

The scheme can really help charities to better understand their data and generate evidence for activities like fund raising, improving services and evaluation. A lot charities come for help for data analysis, survey design, advice on data collection etc.

To promote the S4S scheme and encourage organisations in Wales to benefit, they have organised an event on 10th June to showcase how the S4S scheme can support voluntary organisations to achieve their charitable aims. In the event, there are speakers from Ensemble Cymru in Bangor with a mission of championing chamber music in Wales, and their volunteer statistician to present on how they worked together to understand the audience, as well as the types of people not attending their events but who may be interested in doing so. Discover how they gained insights into securing new audiences for their performances across Wales.

To register for this free online event:

If there are any questions or queries to clarify, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with S4S