Cwrdd â'r Cyllidwr Digwyddiad Ar-lein gyda EasyFundraising / Meet the Funder Event Easyfundraising

Published: Tue, 09/20/22

Cwrdd â'r Cyllidwr Digwyddiad Ar-lein gyda EasyFundraising
Dydd Mawrth 27 Medi 2022 am 11yb

Oeddech chi'n gwybod eich bod chi'n gallu codi arian at achosion da, am ddim ,ond drwy siopa ar-lein?   
Dewch i'r sesiwn anffurfiol hon i ddarganfod sut y gall eich grŵp gwirfoddol, CBC, menter gymdeithasol, eglwys, ysgol, clwb chwaraeon neu elusen ddefnyddio'r platfform codi arian easyfund i gael budd o gyllid anghyfyngedig.
Bydd Luisa o easyfundraising yn dangos i chi sut y gall eich gwirfoddolwyr, staff a chefnogwyr ddefnyddio’r platfform easyfundraising i godi arian  am ddim i’ch sefydliad pan fyddant yn siopa gyda brandiau blaenllaw.
Beth i'w ddisgwyl:
• Arddangosiad byw o sut mae'r wefan yn gweithio
• Cyfarwyddiadau ar sut i sefydlu'ch sefydliad
• Awgrymiadau ar sut i godi cymaint â phosibl
• Sesiwn holi ac ateb gyda Luisa
Mae'n hollol rhad ac am ddim i'w ddefnyddio, a dim tal am yr hyfforddiant!
Archebwch eich lle yma i ddarganfod mwy: Cofrestrwch yma

Meet The Funder Online Event - EasyFundraising
Tuesday 27th September 11am
Did you know that you generate fundraising donations for good causes, just by shopping online?
Come along to this informal session to find out how your voluntary group, CIC, social enterprise, church, school, sports club or charity can use the easyfundraising platform to benefit from unrestricted funding.
Luisa from easyfundraising will show you how your volunteers, staff and supporters can use the easyfundraising platform to raise donations for free for your organisation when they shop with leading brands.
What to expect:
• A live demonstration of how the website works
• Instructions on how to get your organisation set up
• Tips on how to raise as much as possible
• A Q&A session with Luisa
It is totally free to use, and no catch!
Book you place here to find out more: Register here
Community & Voluntary Support Conwy/Cefnogaeth Gymunedol a Gwirfoddol Conwy
7 Rhiw Road/Ffordd Rhiw
Colwyn Bay/Bae Colwyn
LL29 7TG
Tel: 01492 534091
Registered Charity/Elusen Gofrestredig 1151397
Company Limited by Guarantee/Cwmni Cyfyngedig drwy Warant 3867751

7 Rhiw Rd
Colwyn Bay
- Wales LL29 7TG

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