The Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales, New fund - deadline for applications 12 August

Published: Thu, 07/28/22

Anfonwyd ar ran Y Comisiwn Annibynnol ar Ddyfodol Cyfansoddiadol Cymru | Sent on behalf of the Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales

Mae’r Comisiwn Annibynnol ar Ddyfodol Cyfansoddiadol Cymru wedi lansio cronfa newydd i gefnogi ei waith yn casglu barn a phrofiadau pobl ledled Cymru.
Mae hyd at £5000 ar gael i grwpiau sydd wrth galon eu cymunedau ar gyfer prosiectau ymgysylltu i barhau â’n sgwrs cenedlaethol.
Mae’r Comisiwn eisiau clywed gan gynifer o bobl â phosib, o bob cefndir ac o bob cymuned, am yr hyn sy’n bwysig iddyn nhw a’u gobeithion ar gyfer dyfodol Cymru.
Helpwch ni i hyrwyddo’r gronfa hon i’r cymunedau a’r grwpiau lle mae ei hangen fwyaf.
Gallwch wneud hwn trwy rannu'r e-bost hwn gyda'ch cydweithwyr, rhwydweithiau a rhanddeiliaid. Ymgysylltwch hefyd â’n cynnwys ar gyfryngau cymdeithasol @Comisiwn (Twitter, Facebook ac Instagram), a chofiwch i ‘tagio’ ni os ydych chi’n postio unrhyw gynnwys eich hun.
Bydd yr atodiadau canlynol i'r e-bost hwn yn ddefnyddiol am fwy o wybodaeth:
  • ‘Eich canllaw i’r Gronfa Ymgysylltu â’r Gymuned’
  • Hysbysiad i'r wasg
Mae hefyd asedau cyfryngau cymdeithasol i lawrlywtho a rhannu yn y linc dropbox yma:
Dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau yw 12 Awst.
Byddwn yn hyrwyddo’r gronfa drwy gydol y cyfnod ymgeisio a byddwn yn rhannu cynnwys newydd. Os byddai'n well gennych beidio â derbyn y diweddariadau hyn, atebwch yr e-bost hwn gyda UNSUBSCRIBE yn y blwch pwnc.
Am ragor o wybodaeth, neu i drafod yn fanylach, cysylltwch â mi:
Diolch yn fawr,
The Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales has launched a new fund to support its work in gathering the views and experiences of people across Wales. 
Up to £5000 is being offered to groups at the heart of their communities for engagement projects to continue our national conversation.
The Commission wants to hear from as many people as possible, from all walks of life and from every community, about what matters to them and their hopes for Wales’ future.
Help us to promote this fund to the communities and groups where it is most needed. 
You can do this by sharing this e-mail with your colleagues, networks and stakeholders.  Please also engage with our content on social media @Comisiwn (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram), and tag us if you post any content of your own. 
The following attachments to this e-mail will be useful for information:
  • ‘Your guide to the Community Engagement Fund’
  • Press notice
There are also social media assets to download and share on this dropbox link:
The deadline for applications is 12 August
We will be promoting the fund throughout the application period and we will share new content.  If you would prefer not to receive these updates please reply to this e-mail with UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject box.
For further information, or to discuss in more detail, please get in touch:
Many thanks,
Community & Voluntary Support Conwy/Cefnogaeth Gymunedol a Gwirfoddol Conwy
7 Rhiw Road/Ffordd Rhiw
Colwyn Bay/Bae Colwyn
LL29 7TG
Tel: 01492 534091
Registered Charity/Elusen Gofrestredig 1151397
Company Limited by Guarantee/Cwmni Cyfyngedig drwy Warant 3867751

7 Rhiw Rd
Colwyn Bay
- Wales LL29 7TG

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