Strategaeth Arloesedd i Gymru - mae ymgynghoriad bellach yn fyw / Innovation Strategy for Wales - consultation is now li

Published: Thu, 07/28/22

Anfonwyd ar ran Llywodraeth Cymru / Sent on behalf of Welsh Government

Mae'r ymgynghoriad ar y strategaeth arloesi ddrafft i Gymru bellach yn fyw. Bydd yr ymgynghoriad ar agor am gyfnod o 10 wythnos.

Byddem yn ddiolchgar pe gallech rannu’r ddolen i’r ymgynghoriad â’ch rhwydweithiau a’u hannog i ymateb i gwestiynau’r ymgynghoriad. Mae 3 ffordd o ymateb – drwy’r ffurflen ar-lein; drwy'r post; neu drwy lawrlwytho'r ffurflen ymateb a'i e-bostio i

Gweler y dolenni isod i’r ymgynghoriad:

Mae'r arolwg ar-lein yma:

Os hoffech gyfrannu eich barn yn bersonol, beth am ddod i un o'n digwyddiadau ymgynghori? E-bostiwch i gofrestru eich diddordeb.


The consultation on the draft innovation strategy for Wales is now live. The consultation will be open for a period of 10 weeks.

We would be grateful if you could share the link to the consultation with your networks and encourage them to respond to the consultation questions. There are 3 ways to respond – via the online form; by post; or by downloading the response form and emailing it to

Please see links below to the consultation:

The online survey is here:

If you would like to contribute your views in person, why not come along to one of our consultation events? Email to register your interest.
Community & Voluntary Support Conwy/Cefnogaeth Gymunedol a Gwirfoddol Conwy
7 Rhiw Road/Ffordd Rhiw
Colwyn Bay/Bae Colwyn
LL29 7TG
Tel: 01492 534091
Registered Charity/Elusen Gofrestredig 1151397
Company Limited by Guarantee/Cwmni Cyfyngedig drwy Warant 3867751

7 Rhiw Rd
Colwyn Bay
- Wales LL29 7TG

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