Bwrdd Diogelu Gogledd Cymru: Cylchlythyr 14/11/2022 / North Wales Safeguarding Board: Newsletter 14/11/2022

Published: Mon, 11/14/22

Bwrdd Diogelu Gogledd Cymru i gydnabod Wythnos Genedlaethol Diogelu.
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am ein Digwyddiad Wythnos Ddiogelu CGGC “Gweithdy Trosolwg DBS” ewch i'n gwefan - CGGC - Hyfforddiant a Digwyddiadau

Circulated on behalf of North Wales Safeguarding Board in recognition of National Safeguarding Week.
For further information about our CVSC Safeguarding Week Event “DBS Overview Workshop” visit our website - CVSC - Training & Events

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Bwrdd Diogelu Gogledd Cymru
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Please find below the latest posts from the North Wales Safeguarding Board Website
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North Wales Safeguarding Board

National Safeguarding Week 14 - 18 November 2022

Everyone has a role to play in safeguarding vulnerable adults and children! If something seems wrong – it probably is. During National Safeguarding Week we want to raise the public’s awareness of safeguarding and how we can all play a role in supporting vulnerable people. To mark National Safeguarding Week, the North Wales Safeguarding Board has organised events focusing on …
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North Wales Protocol for the Resolution of Professional Disputes

Occasionally situations arise when practitioners/ workers in one agency feel that the decision made by a worker from another agency on a child protection/ adult at risk or child/ adult in need of a care and support plan is not a safe decision. Disagreements could arise in a number of areas, but are most likely to arise around: Levels of …
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New 7 Minute Briefings:

The following 7 minute briefings are available to view via the resources web page: Online harm and abuse- learning from case reviews.An overview of the recommendations from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse’s final report.
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