Recriwtio Pwyllgor BBC Plant mewn Angen / BBC Children in Need Committee Recruitment

Published: Wed, 01/04/23

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Annwyl Gyfaill

Mae BBC Plant mewn Angen yn awyddus i recriwtio aelodau newydd o'r Pwyllgor Ymgynghorol ar gyfer Cymru. Byddem yn croesawu ceisiadau gan y rhai sy'n rhannu ein hymrwymiad i gefnogi plant a phobl ifanc ar draws Cymru ac sydd yn dymuno bod yn rhan o'n proses penderfynu.

Bydeem yn croesawi ceisiadau yn arbennig gan y rhai sydd â: phrofiad o gefnogi plant a phobl ifanc o gefndiroedd lleiafrifol ethnig; blynyddoedd cynnar; dealltwriaeth o iechyd meddwl,  a phrofiad o wasanethau plant a phobl ifanc ag anableddau.   Ni yn  awyddus i gynyddu cynrychiolaeth o Ogledd a Gorllewin Cymru.

Er bod hon yn rôl ddi-dâl cynigir cymort i alluogi pob ymgeisydd llwyddiannus i gymryd rhan lawn.

Mae rhagor o wybodaeth ar gael yma. Rwyf hefyd wedi atodi y pecyn wybodeth am y rôl.

Am fwy o wybodaeth am y rôl neu i wneud cysylltwch â James Bird (Rheolwr Effaith – Cymru) ar neu 03030 816197.

Dyddiad cau am geisiadau yw 16/01/2023.


Tîm Pudsey Cymru
  Dear Friend

BBC Children in Need is looking to recruit new committee members for our Wales Advisory Committee. We would welcome applications from those who share our commitment to support children and young people across Wales and wish to be part of our decision-making process.

We would especially welcome applications from those with experience of: supporting children and young people from ethnic minority communities; early years services; those with an understanding of mental health, and those with experience of services for disabled children and young people.  We are keen to enhance representation from North and West Wales

Whilst unpaid support will be offered to enable the participation of all successful applicants.

Further information is available here.  We have also attached the application pack to this email.
For more information or to submit an application please contact James Bird (Impact Manager – Wales) on neu 03030 816197.
The closing date for applications is 16/01/2023.

Many thanks

Team Pudsey Wales
Community & Voluntary Support Conwy/Cefnogaeth Gymunedol a Gwirfoddol Conwy
7 Rhiw Road/Ffordd Rhiw
Colwyn Bay/Bae Colwyn
LL29 7TG
Tel: 01492 534091
Registered Charity/Elusen Gofrestredig 1151397
Company Limited by Guarantee/Cwmni Cyfyngedig drwy Warant 3867751

7 Rhiw Rd
Colwyn Bay
- Wales LL29 7TG

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