ATGOFFA: Enwebiadau Gwobrau Gwirfoddolwyr/REMINDER: Volunteer Awards Nominations

Published: Wed, 01/11/23

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Enwebiadau Gwobrau Gwirfoddolwyr

Mae'n bryd enwebu rhywun anhygoel am wobr! Does yr un cyfraniad yn rhy fawr nac yn rhy fach, ac mae pob gweithred o haelioni a charedigrwydd yn haeddu cael ei weld!
Dyma’r cyfle i amlygu rhinweddau rhywun sy’n dangos anhunanoldeb rhyfeddol, ymroddiad, a gwasanaeth i’r gymuned neu i dynnu sylw at grŵp gwirfoddol y mae ei weithgareddau yn haeddu cydnabyddiaeth ehangach. Mae’r gwobrau hyn yn rhoi’r cyfle i ddweud diolch haeddiannol, ac i ddathlu cyfraniadau eithriadol y rhai sy’n rhoi e’u hamser, eu hegni a’u profiad er budd eraill.

Gwobrau Cymunedol Uchel Siryf Clwyd 2023

Dyddiad Cau Dydd Llun 16eg Ionawr 2023.
Bydd tair gwobr fel a ganlyn:
  • Dwy wobr i unigolion o bob un o'r prif ardaloedd, sef Conwy, Sir Ddinbych, Sir y Fflint a Wrecsam sy'n ffurfio hen sir Clwyd
  • Un wobr i sefydliad neu grŵp gwirfoddol / cymunedol (gyda nodau elusennol) sy'n gweithredu o fewn pob un o'r prif ardaloedd, sef Conwy, Sir Ddinbych, Sir y Fflint a Wrecsam sy'n ffurfio hen sir Clwyd
Gellir lawrlwytho ffurflen gais oddi ar wefan CGGC
Ac os yw’r gweithgaredd gwirfoddoli yn digwydd yn ardal Bae Colwyn ystyriwch enwebu ar gyfer:

Gwobrau Gwirfoddolwyr y Flwyddyn Bae Colwyn 2022-23

Y dyddiad cau i dderbyn enwebiadau yw 31ain Ionawr 2023.
Mae 6 chategori gwahanol:
  • Oedolyn (25-64) Neu 65+
  • Person ifanc (o dan 25) neu grŵp o bobl ifanc
  • Gwirfoddolwr neu grŵp ‘Gwyrdd’
  • Ymddiriedolwr 
  • Grŵp gwirfoddoli
  • Categori Ychwanegol
Ffurflen gais a meini prawf cymhwysedd i'w llwytho i lawr o wefan CGGC

Volunteer Awards Nominations

It's time to nominate someone amazing for an award!
No contribution is too big or too small, and every act of generosity and kindness deserves to be seen!
This is the chance to highlight the qualities of someone who shows remarkable selflessness, devotion, and service to the community or to bring attention to a voluntary group whose activities deserve wider recognition. These awards provide the opportunity to say a well-deserved thank you, and to celebrate the outstanding contributions of those who give their time, energy and experience to the benefit of others. 

The High Sheriff of Clwyd Community Awards 2023

Closing Date: Monday 16th January 2023
There will be three awards as follows: 
  • Two awards for individuals from each of the principal areas, namely Conwy, Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham that form the preserved county of Clwyd 
  • One award for a voluntary/community organisation or group (with charitable aims) operating within each of the principal areas, namely Conwy, Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham that form the preserved county of Clwyd
Application form can be downloaded from CVSC website
And if the volunteering activity takes place in the Colwyn Bay area consider nominating for:

Bay of Colwyn Volunteer Awards 2022-23

The deadline for receipt of nominations is 31st January 2023
There are 6 different categories:
  • Adult (25-64) or 65+
  • Young person (under 25) or youth group
  • ‘Green’ volunteer or group 
  • Trustee 
  • Group volunteers
  • Additional category
Application form and eligibility criteria to be downloaded from CVSC website
Community & Voluntary Support Conwy/Cefnogaeth Gymunedol a Gwirfoddol Conwy
7 Rhiw Road/Ffordd Rhiw
Colwyn Bay/Bae Colwyn
LL29 7TG
Tel: 01492 534091
Registered Charity/Elusen Gofrestredig 1151397
Company Limited by Guarantee/Cwmni Cyfyngedig drwy Warant 3867751

7 Rhiw Rd
Colwyn Bay
- Wales LL29 7TG

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