Published: Mon, 03/13/23
8 MAWRTH 2023
Yn 2018, cyhoeddodd corff gwarchod gwasanaethau iechyd annibynnol Gogledd Cymru – Cyngor Iechyd Cymuned Gogledd Cymru (CICGC) – arolwg ar yr effeithiau ar gleifion yn sgil cyfnodau aros hir am lawdriniaethau. Disgrifiodd yr adroddiad ‘Ein Bywydau ar Stop’ y gost i bobl a ddaw o amseroedd aros hir a chyfrannodd at y pwysau ar Lywodraeth Cymru i ariannu mentrau rhestrau aros i leihau amseroedd aros.
Meddai Mr Geoff Ryall-Harvey, Prif Swyddog CICGC, ‘Clywsom am bobl mewn poen cronig, a chlywsom gan y rhai hynny a oedd wedi colli swyddi o ganlyniad i fethu gweithio. Dywedodd pobl wrthym am straen ar eu perthynas ag anwyliaid, a methu cymryd rhan ym mywyd teuluol, edrych ar ôl wyrion neu fynd ar wyliau.’
‘O ganlyniad i’r pandemig, mae’r nifer o bobl sy’n aros mwy na 52 wythnos wedi cynyddu’n aruthrol. Mae CICGC am glywed sut mae hyn yn effeithio ar fywydau a llesiant, er mwyn inni allu datblygu’r achos dros adnoddau ychwanegol i glirio’r rhestrau aros hyn a dychwelyd i amseroedd aros fel yr oeddent cyn y pandemig (a gobeithio gwella arnynt) o fewn dwy flynedd.
Aeth Mr Ryall-Harvey ymlaen i ddweud ‘bydd CICGC yn cynnal digwyddiadau wyneb yn wyneb ac ar-lein, gan wahodd cleifion, eu gofalwyr a’u teuluoedd i siarad am eu profiadau o aros am lawdriniaethau. Bydd cyfleoedd hefyd i wneud sylw drwy e-bost, ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol ac ar y ffôn.
Cynhelir y digwyddiadau ar
Dyddiad | Amser | Lleoliad |
22 Mawrth 2023 | 1.30pm | Clwb Criced Bae Colwyn |
23 Mawrth 2023 | 7.00pm | Zoom – arlein |
27 Mawrth 2023 | 10.30am | Y Ganolfan Porthmadog |
28 Mawrth 2023 | 7.00pm | Zoom – arlein |
29 Mawrth 2023 | 10.30am | Ty Pawb Wrecsam |
31 Mawrth 2023 | 10.30am | Zoom – arlein |
Bydd angen i’r rhai sy’n dymuno mynychu gofrestru ymlaen llaw drwy gysylltu â Chyngor Iechyd Cymuned Gogledd Cymru ar y rhif ffôn hwn: 01248 679284 (sylwer bod system peiriant ateb ar waith – gadewch neges a bydd aelod o’n tîm yn cysylltu â chi) neu gallwch ebostio yourvoice@wales.nhs.uk
Gallwch hefyd gofrestru i fynychu drwy lenwi ffurflen gofrestru ar-lein gan ddefnyddio’r ddolen ganlynol.
Sylwer: Mae cofrestru’n gweithio ar sail y cyntaf i’r felin; fodd bynnag, fe wnawn gynnal sesiynau ychwanegol yn ôl y galw.
Mae copi o adroddiad ‘Ein Bywydau ar Stop’ 2018 ar gael ar wefan CICGC yma https://gogleddcymrucic.gig.cymru/files/report-library/our-lives-on-hold-cymraeg-10052018pdf/
8 MARCH 2023
In 2018 the independent health services watchdog for North Wales – the North Wales Community Health Council (NWCHC) – published a survey of the effects on patients of long waits for operations. The report, ‘Our Lives on Hold’ described the human cost of long waiting times and contributed to the pressure on Welsh Government to fund waiting list initiatives to reduce waiting times.
Mr Geoff Ryall-Harvey, Chief Officer for NWCHC said ‘We heard of people in chronic pain and from those who had lost jobs to their inability to work. People told us about damaged relationships and being unable to participate in family life, looking after grandchildren or going on holiday.’
‘As a result of the pandemic, the number of people waiting over 52 weeks has increased dramatically. The NWCHC wants to hear how this is affecting lives and well-being so that we can build the case for additional resources to clear these waiting lists and return to pre-pandemic waiting times (and hopefully better) within two years.
Mr Ryall-Harvey went on to say ‘NWCHC will be holding face to face and online events, inviting patients, their carers and their families to talk about their experiences of waiting for operations. There will also be opportunities to comment through e-mail, social media and telephone.
The events will take place on
Date | Time | Venue |
22 March 2023 | 1.30pm | Colwyn Bay Cricket Club |
23 March 2023 | 7.00pm | Zoom - online |
27 March 2023 | 10.30am | Y Ganolfan Porthmadog |
28 March 2023 | 7.00pm | Zoom – online |
29 March 2023 | 10.30am | Ty Pawb Wrexham |
31 March 2023 | 10.30am | Zoom – online |
Those wishing to attend will need to register in advance by contacting the North Wales Community Health Council on tel: 01248 679284 (nb there is an answerphone system in operation – please leave a message and a member of our team will be in touch) or by e-mail yourvoice@wales.nhs.uk
You can also register your attendance by filling in an on-line registration form by using the following link.
Nb. Registration is on a first come, first served basis, however we will put on additional sessions as necessary.
A copy of the 2018 ‘Our Lives on Hold’ report can be found on the NWCHC website at https://northwaleschc.nhs.wales/files/report-library/our-lives-on-hold-english-10052018pdf/
Community & Voluntary Support Conwy/Cefnogaeth Gymunedol a Gwirfoddol Conwy
7 Rhiw Road/Ffordd Rhiw
Colwyn Bay/Bae Colwyn
LL29 7TG
Tel: 01492 534091
Web: www.cvsc.org.uk
Registered Charity/Elusen Gofrestredig 1151397
Company Limited by Guarantee/Cwmni Cyfyngedig drwy Warant 3867751
7 Rhiw Rd
Colwyn Bay
- Wales LL29 7TG
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7 Rhiw Road/Ffordd Rhiw
Colwyn Bay/Bae Colwyn
LL29 7TG
Tel: 01492 534091
Web: www.cvsc.org.uk
Registered Charity/Elusen Gofrestredig 1151397
Company Limited by Guarantee/Cwmni Cyfyngedig drwy Warant 3867751
7 Rhiw Rd
Colwyn Bay
- Wales LL29 7TG
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