Digwyddiadau Haf 2023 Menter Iaith Conwy Summer Events
Published: Thu, 07/20/23
Mae Menter Iaith Conwy (wrth gydweithio efo nifer o bartneriaid a grwpiau) yn falch iawn i fedru rhannu ein rhaglen o ddigwyddiadau haf 2023 llawn dop efo chi!
Rhwng dechrau gwyliau'r haf a diwedd Awst mae gennym 26 (!!) o weithgareddau a digwyddiadau wedi eu trefnu ar gyfer pobl o bob oed - ond y mwyafrif ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc.
Byddem yn ddiolchgar iawn os ydych yn medru rhannu'r digwyddiadau ymysg eich cysylltiadau, ar eich cyfryngau cymdeithasol ayyb.
Diolch yn fawr - os gwelwch yn dda cysylltwch â post@miconwy.cymru efo unrhyw gwestiynau neu edrychwch ar y posteri unigol am fanylion cyswllt ar gyfer digwyddadau penodol.
Menter Iaith Conwy (working together with a number of partners and groups) is very proud to be able to share our packed programme of summer 2023 events with you!
Between the start of the summer holidays and the end of August we have 26 activities and events organised for people of all ages - but the majority for children and young people!
We would be very grateful if you could share the events among your contacts, on your social media etc.
Thank you very much - please contact post@miconwy.cymru with any questions, or refer to the individual posters for contact info for specific events.
Community & Voluntary Support Conwy/Cefnogaeth Gymunedol a Gwirfoddol Conwy
7 Rhiw Road/Ffordd Rhiw
Colwyn Bay/Bae Colwyn
LL29 7TG
Tel: 01492 534091
Web: www.cvsc.org.uk
Registered Charity/Elusen Gofrestredig 1151397
Company Limited by Guarantee/Cwmni Cyfyngedig drwy Warant 3867751
7 Rhiw Rd
Colwyn Bay
- Wales LL29 7TG
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7 Rhiw Road/Ffordd Rhiw
Colwyn Bay/Bae Colwyn
LL29 7TG
Tel: 01492 534091
Web: www.cvsc.org.uk
Registered Charity/Elusen Gofrestredig 1151397
Company Limited by Guarantee/Cwmni Cyfyngedig drwy Warant 3867751
7 Rhiw Rd
Colwyn Bay
- Wales LL29 7TG
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