Gwobrau Elusennau Cymru 2023 – derbyn enwebiadau nawr/ Welsh Charity Awards 2023 – nominations now open

Published: Thu, 06/01/23

Mae Gwobrau Elusennau Cymru yn ôl! Mae’r gwobrau, a drefnir gan CGGC, yn cydnabod a dathlu’r cyfraniad gwych y mae elusennau, grwpiau cymunedol, cwmnïau nid-er-elw a gwirfoddolwyr yn ei wneud i Gymru drwy amlygu a hyrwyddo’r gwahaniaeth positif y gallwn ni ei wneud i fywydau ein gilydd.

Dyma eich cyfle i ddathlu effaith drawsnewidiol elusennau, gwirfoddolwyr a mudiadau gwirfoddol o bob lliw a llun yng Nghymru.
Mae wyth categori yng Ngwobrau Elusennau Cymru eleni: CYMRYD RHAN
Mae enwebu rhywun yn hawdd, ewch i wefan Gwobrau Elusennau Cymru, darllenwch y rheolau a llenwi’r ffurflen ar-lein.
Achubwch ar y cyfle hwn i roi sylw i’ch hoff fudiad gwirfoddol neu wirfoddolwr, a rhoi’r cyfle iddo gael ychydig o gydnabyddiaeth haeddiannol a noson i’w chofio yn seremoni Gwobrau Elusennau Cymru.
Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer enwebiadau yw 26 Mehefin 2023. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth ac i enwebu, ewch i
Mae Gwobrau Elusennau Cymru yn bosibl diolch i’n prif noddwr SCG Cymru a noddwyr y categorïau eraill.

The Welsh Charity Awards are back! The awards, organised by WCVA, recognise and celebrate the fantastic contribution charities, community groups, not-for-profits and volunteers make to Wales by highlighting and championing the positive difference we can make to each other’s lives.
This is your chance to celebrate the life changing impact of not only charities but volunteers and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes in Wales.
There are eight categories in this year’s Welsh Charity Awards: TAKING PART
Making a nomination is easy, simply visit the Welsh Charity Awards website and, read the rules and complete the online form.
So please take this opportunity to shout about your favourite voluntary organisation or volunteer, and give them the chance of getting some well-earned recognition and a night to remember at the Welsh Charity Awards ceremony.
The deadline for nominations is 26 June 2023. For more information and to nominate, visit
The Welsh Charity Awards are made possible thanks to headline sponsor SCG Wales and the other category sponsors.

Community & Voluntary Support Conwy/Cefnogaeth Gymunedol a Gwirfoddol Conwy
7 Rhiw Road/Ffordd Rhiw
Colwyn Bay/Bae Colwyn
LL29 7TG
Tel: 01492 534091
Registered Charity/Elusen Gofrestredig 1151397
Company Limited by Guarantee/Cwmni Cyfyngedig drwy Warant 3867751

7 Rhiw Rd
Colwyn Bay
- Wales LL29 7TG

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