Nôl i Natur / Back to Nature

Published: Tue, 06/13/23

Cylchredwyd ar ran Cadwch Cymru'n Daclus / Circulated on behalf of Keep Wales Tidy

Mae Lleoedd Lleol ar gyfer Natur yn ôl! Gwnewch gais am becyn AM DDIM #NôliNatur
Trawsnewidiwch ardal i ardd a fydd o fudd i natur a'ch cymuned.
Mae pob pecyn yn cynnwys planhigion, offer a deunyddiau brodorol i wneud eich gardd yn brydferth. Bydd Cadwch Gymru'n Daclus yn delio â'r holl archebion a dosbarthu, a bydd ein swyddogion prosiect yn dod i roi cymorth i'ch helpu i greu eich gofod natur newydd. Mae ein pecynnau eleni yn perthyn i dri gategori:
Starter packages
Pecynnau dechreuol
i grwpiau cymunedol neu wirfoddol sy'n dymuno creu Gardd Tyfu Bwyd neu
Ardd Bywyd Gwyllt.
Gwnewch gais
Development package
Pecynnau datblygu
i sefydliadau cymunedol sy'n barod i ymgymryd â phrosiect mwy ac adeiladu Gardd Tyfu Bwyd neu Ardd Bywyd Gwyllt.
Gwnewch gais
Community orchard
Perllan gymunedol
Crëwch hyb awyr agored ar gyfer eich cymuned – gofod yn llawn coed ffrwythau a chnau, planhigion cynhenid a blodau gwyllt, lle gall pobl o bob oed ddod ynghyd.
Gwnewch gais am berllan gymunedol
Er y byddem yn annog unrhyw un sydd â gofod cymunedol i wneud cais, ar gyfer y rownd hon o geisiadau, byddwn yn rhoi blaenoriaeth i brosiectau mewn ardaloedd trefol, ardaloedd difreintiedig, ac ardaloedd sydd ag ychydig neu ddim mynediad at natur. Byddem hefyd yn falch iawn o dderbyn ceisiadau gan grwpiau sydd heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol ledled Cymru.  Os hoffech wybod mwy am y prosiect, cliciwch draw i’n wefan. www.keepwalestidy.cyrmu


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Local Places for Nature is back #BacktoNature
Apply for a FREE garden pack today!
Transform an unloved area into a garden that will benefit both nature and your community.
Each free package includes native plants, tools and materials to make your garden beautiful. Keep Wales Tidy will handle all of the ordering and deliveries, and our project officers will turn up to provide support on the ground to help
you create your new nature space. Our packages this year fall into three categories:
Starter packages
Starter packages
for community or volunteer groups looking to create small Food Growing Garden or Wildlife Gardens.
Apply now
Development package
Development packages
for community-based organisations that are ready to take on a bigger project and build Food Growing or Wildlife Gardens.
Apply now
Community orchard
Community orchard
Create an outdoor hub for your community – a space filled with fruit and nut trees, native plants and wildflowers, where people of all ages can come together.
Apply for a community orchard

Whilst we would encourage anybody who has a community space in mind to apply, for this round of applications, we will be giving priority to projects in urban areas, deprived areas, and areas with little or no access to nature. We’d also be delighted to receive applications from underrepresented groups across Wales. Visit our website if you would like to know more about the project.

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Community & Voluntary Support Conwy/Cefnogaeth Gymunedol a Gwirfoddol Conwy
7 Rhiw Road/Ffordd Rhiw
Colwyn Bay/Bae Colwyn
LL29 7TG
Tel: 01492 534091
Web: www.cvsc.org.uk
Registered Charity/Elusen Gofrestredig 1151397
Company Limited by Guarantee/Cwmni Cyfyngedig drwy Warant 3867751

7 Rhiw Rd
Colwyn Bay
- Wales LL29 7TG

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