Dydd Mercher Hydref 23 · 9:45am - 3:30pm 12 Vaughan Street Llandudno LL30 1AB Mae newid yn anochel. Boed yn newid wedi’i gynllunio neu’n newid o ganlyniad i bwysau allanol, bydd llwyddiant yn seiliedig ar
allu sefydliad i reoli newid yn effeithiol. Mae’r sector gwirfoddol a chymunedol wedi gwynebu newidiadau digynsail dros y 10 mlynedd diwethaf ac mae heriau pellach o’n blaenau. Er mwyn goroesi, mae angen i sefydliadau’r 3ydd Sector allu cynllunio strategaeth newid a fydd yn eu galluogi i lywio’r dyfodol. Mae hyn yn gofyn am ymateb rhagweithiol i risg, rheoli rhagdybiaethau a phroses newid llwyddiannus sy'n ymgysylltu â'r sefydliad cyfan ac yn canolbwyntio ar gyfres glir o
ganlyniadau. Pan fydd sefydliadau’n ymateb i newid yn hytrach na’i gynllunio, gall yr effaith fod yn ganlyniadau nas rhagwelwyd, diffyg hyder staff a pharlys sefydliadol. Bydd y sesiwn hon yn egluro egwyddorion rheoli newid ac yn darparu strwythur ar gyfer gweithredu newid diwylliannol neu sefydliadol yn eich sefydliad. Byddwch yn cymryd llawer o adnoddau y gallwch eu defnyddio yn eich proses newid. Dyma rai o'r prif rwystrau i newid effeithiol 1. Diffyg
Eglurder: Pan nad oes gweledigaeth na dealltwriaeth glir o pam mae angen y newid, gall ddad-wneud y fenter gyfan. 2. Cyfathrebu Newid Aneffeithiol: Mae cyfathrebu gwael am y newidiadau yn arwain at ddryswch a gwrthwynebiad. 3. Diwylliant Gwrthsefyll Newid: Gall staff wrthsefyll newid oherwydd ofn, ansicrwydd, neu ymlyniad i brosesau presennol. 4. Blinder Newid: Gall newidiadau cyson neu rai a reolir yn wael arwain at
flinder, gan effeithio ar forâl a pherfformiad staff. 5. Hyfforddiant a Chymorth Annigonol: Mae angen sgiliau newydd ar staff i addasu i newidiadau. 6. Esblygiad y Farchnad: Gall ffactorau allanol, megis sifftiau ariannu neu ddatblygiadau technolegol, olygu bod angen newidiadau sefydliadol. 7. Costau Uchel: Weithiau bydd mentrau newid yn costio mwy na'r disgwyl. Wednesday, October 23 · 9:45am -
3:30pm 12 Vaughan Street Llandudno LL30 1AB Change is inevitable. Whether it is planned change or change as a result of external pressures, success will be based on an organisation’s ability to manage change effectively. The voluntary and community sector has faced unprecedented changes over the past 10 years and further challenges are ahead. To
survive, 3rd Sector organisations need to be able to plan a change strategy which will enable them to navigate the future. This requires a proactive response to risk, management of assumptions and a successful change process which engages the whole organisation and focuses on a clear set of outcomes. Where organisations react to change instead of planning it, the impact can be unforeseen outcomes, lack of staff confidence and organisational paralysis. This session will explain
the principles of change management and provide a structure for implementing either cultural or organisational change in your organisation. You will take away lots of resources that you can use in your change process. Here are some of the main barriers to effective change - Lack of Clarity: When there’s no clear vision or understanding of why the change is needed, it can derail the entire initiative.
- Ineffective Change Communication:
Poor communication about the changes leads to confusion and resistance.
- Change-Resistant Culture: Staff may resist change due to fear, uncertainty, or attachment to existing processes.
- Change Fatigue: Frequent or poorly managed changes can lead to fatigue, affecting staff morale and performance.
- Insufficient Training and Support: Staff need new skills to adapt to changes.
- Market Evolution:
External factors, such as funding shifts or technological advancements, can necessitate organizational changes.
- High Costs: Sometimes change initiatives end up costing more than anticipated
https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/navigating-change-in-your-organisation-llywio-newid-yn-eich-sefydliad-tickets-943453453677 |